Novac Notes

Explore Novac Notes for musings, insights, and perspectives on the nonprofit sector and some of the biggest challenges and experiences that mission-driven orgs face today.

Organizational Culture, Leadership Jenny Novac Organizational Culture, Leadership Jenny Novac

The Power of Saying “No”

Glorified nonprofit cultures of yes, yes, yes, and more, more, more—all in the name of the mission—lead to burnout. That’s no good. Our mission and our work shine when we are thriving. So how do we uphold our mission while nurturing a culture of thrivability? I think one important way is by learning to say “no”—so that you can confidently say “yes” when it really matters.

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Organizational Culture, Leadership Jenny Novac Organizational Culture, Leadership Jenny Novac

New Year, New Team Culture

We all know that the start of the new year is a time for personal resolution and, hopefully, a good party. But then January 2 rolls around and many of us fall right back into the nonprofit hamster wheel of chaos, with no plan to reconnect or time to think big. There are small, meaningful ways to break this cycle, if you’re willing. Here are some new year hacks to try with your team.

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